
Gilded Drake
Creature -- Drake
When ~this~ enters the battlefield, exchange control of ~this~ and up to one target creature an opponent controls. If you don't or can't make an exchange, sacrifice ~this~. This ability still resolves if its target becomes illegal.

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Urza's Saga rare Bob Eggleton Buyer beware. Flying
When Gilded Drake comes into play, exchange control of Gilded Drake for target creature one of your opponents controls or sacrifice Gilded Drake.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
Flying (1896)
When ~this~ enters the battlefield, {effect} (1749)
This ability still resolves if its target becomes illegal (1)
If you don't or can't make an exchange, sacrifice ~this~ (1)
Exchange control of ~this~ and up to one target creature an opponent controls (1)

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