
Seeker of Skybreak
Creature -- Elf
{T}: Untap target creature.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Seventh Edition common Alex Horley-Orlandelli Seekers spend their lives protecting a home they rarely visit. {T}: Untap target creature.
Battle Royale Box Set common Daren Bader "We shun them not for their dream but for their refusal to let such a noble dream die a noble death."
--Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
{T}: Untap target creature.
Tempest common Daren Bader "We shun them not for their dream but for their refusal to let such a noble dream die a noble death."
--Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
{T}: Untap target creature.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
{T}: {effect} (1614)
Untap target creature (25)

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