
Goldmeadow Harrier
Creature -- Kithkin Soldier
{W}, {T}: Tap target creature.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret common Steve Prescott "It's a proven fact that sling-stones from the dawn side of the riverbank sail the farthest and truest."
--Deagan, cenn of Burrenton
{W}, : Tap target creature.
Lorwyn common Steve Prescott "It's a proven fact that sling-stones from the dawn side of the riverbank sail the farthest and truest."
--Deagan, cenn of Burrenton
{W}, {T}: Tap target creature.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
{mana}, {T}: {effect} (931)
Tap target creature (80)

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