
Spirit Link
Enchantment -- Aura
Enchant creature (Target a creature as you cast this. This card enters the battlefield attached to that creature.)
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Spirit Link Dominaria Remastered common Kev Walker "We are all inextricably linked, souls woven in tapestry." Enchant creature
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Spirit Link Dominaria Remastered common Kev Walker "We are all inextricably linked, souls woven in tapestry." Enchant creature
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Tenth Edition uncommon Kev Walker ["We are all inextricably linked, souls woven in tapestry."] Enchant creature (Target a creature as you play this. This card comes into play attached to that creature.)
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Ninth Edition uncommon Kev Walker Enchant creature (Target a creature as you play this. This card comes into play attached to that creature.)
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Eighth Edition uncommon Kev Walker "I am bound to all my children. I share in their joys, I rage at their injuries." Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Seventh Edition uncommon Daren Bader The noble paladins draw strength from the courage of others. Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
Classic Sixth Edition uncommon Kaja Foglio Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain life equal to the damage dealt this way.
Fifth Edition uncommon Kaja Foglio "I regret feeding Kaervek's hunger for power--far better to live with animals innocent of such ambitions."
For each 1 damage enchanted creature deals, gain 1 life.
Fourth Edition uncommon Kaja Foglio Gain 1 life for every 1 damage target creature deals. You may gain more life than the toughness or the total life of the creature or player damaged by the creature Spirit Link enchants.
Legends uncommon Kaja Foglio For every point of damage target creature does, you gain 1 life.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
Enchant creature (736)
You gain that much life (34)
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, {effect} (7)

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