
Mana Short
Tap all lands target player controls and that player loses all unspent mana.

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Seventh Edition rare Greg Staples "Remove their power, and their will to fight will follow."
--Tolarian wizard
Tap all lands target player controls and empty his or her mana pool.
Classic Sixth Edition rare Dameon Willich Tap all lands target player controls and empty his or her mana pool.
Fourth Edition rare Dameon Willich Mana Short empties target player's mana pool and taps that player's lands.
Revised Edition rare Dameon Willich All opponent's lands are tapped, and opponent's mana pool is emptied. Opponent takes no damage from unspent mana.
Unlimited Edition rare Dameon Willich All opponent's lands are tapped, and opponent's mana pool is emptied. Opponent takes no damage from unspent mana.
Limited Edition Beta rare Dameon Willich All opponent's lands are tapped, and opponent's mana pool is emptied. Opponent takes no damage from unspent mana.
Limited Edition Alpha rare Dameon Willich All opponent's lands are tapped, and opponent's mana pool is emptied.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
Tap all lands target player controls and that player loses all unspent mana (1)

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