
Freed from the Real
Enchantment -- Aura
Enchant creature
{U}: Tap enchanted creature.
{U}: Untap enchanted creature.

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name expansion rarity artist flavor text original text image
Masters 25 uncommon When a strong mind moves, form and energy shift to heed it. Enchant creature
{U}: Tap enchanted creature.
{U}: Untap enchanted creature.
Saviors of Kamigawa common Scott M. Fischer When a strong mind moves, form and energy shift to heed it. {U}: Tap enchanted creature.
{U}: Untap enchanted creature.

Abilities (click to find cards with that ability):
{mana}: {effect} (1731)
Enchant creature (736)
Tap enchanted creature (24)
Untap enchanted creature (9)

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